Sunday, May 10, 2009

The Guitar and stand

With a borrowed guitar from the cousins of my father, I learned to strum the guitar when I was first year high school. I kept playing from borrowed guitar after. Last year, my eldest insisted on buying an acoustic guitar. So her mother bought one (Php1,500++) that came with a black leatherette case. Their interest to learn to play the guitar was, to my mind, dampened with the hassle of getting the guitar from its case and returning it in there when not in use. So the story is that the guitar clothed in its black case was left in the corner. To spark the interest of the kid anew, I decided to buy a guitar stand. True enough, the interest of my kids to learn to strum the guitar grew each time they saw the thing accessible anytime on its stand. Now, they are mastering fast the techniques on guitar playing with the help of online tutorials from site like YouTube.

Home Pics

My light of the house during her breakfast before going to work. I just stay at home where I have my home-office.

This is a take of our sala.

Stairway to the second floor.

Our sala, one of my favorite places in the house.

Outing Photos

Every Sunday, afterchurch worship, we would drop by to take our breakfast at one of the cheapest restaurants in our place. This is another occasion for us to talk.
My wife is very particular about health. That is why she is always carrying her supplements and vitamins now.
Let me see if I can identify the menus we had last Sunday (May 10). Ginataang salad made out of young jackfruit and coco milk, tinolang tuna (fish soup), beef stake, pork afritada and pritong manok (fried chicken parts, not in photo) etc. were all time favorites of my kids.
This is my eldest Cooky helping out her mom in setting up the table for us as the restaurant is self-service.

One Rice Policy

That's actually one cup of rice policy that my wife imposed on me. I used to consume two to three cups of steamed rice before until the bill was passed into law at home that I should cut down on rice. Reason? There was none except that we felt we should do it. LOL.

The law is imposed during meal at home where my wife decides how much rice I should take. When I beg for more, she obliges to add two to three spoonful of rice. Health buffs are wary about eating too much rice as one of the reasons for sugar in our blood. Ours is just precautionary measures though.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Rizal Park and VP Parking Lot

One time, I had to wait for a friend for a small project to do. So instead of going up with her to the city hall of Davao City, I decided to stay in the Rizal Park. This photo is a snap at the City Hall of Davao.

Rizal Park is one of the places frequented by Davaoeños. During important celebrations in Davao City, the park would be one of the animated places to visit where entertainment shows are staged.

These last three shots I took in the parking lot of Victoria Plaza, one of the pioneering malls in Davao City, while waiting for the emission test office to open last Febuary 2009.

Mister and Miss Rabbit

My wifey Gemma was thrilled with her new wards at home - Mister and Miss Rabbits which we bought while going home from church one Sunday morning at Php150 each. While we planned to buy a pair of these pets, we never had an idea how to take care of these lovely pets. So, we surfed the net for rabbit's care and management.

At first, we thought that our rabbits would be home pets only. But when I stumbled on an information that their meat is sold at Php250++ per kilo in the local market, this stirs up my curiousity whether I can engage in small-scale rabbit production. Actually, I have a friend who is already into rabbit production but I never realized that rabbit raising is indeed another income-generating project to adopt. Of course, we have to learn all the proper care and management of the animal. By the way, Mister and Miss Rabbit are named Tibur and Ilyang.