Monday, August 4, 2008


I spotted this sculpture in one of the stores in Bolton Street downtown area. The idea is nice – a man stuck on the wall or the wall stuck on the man. Hmmm, whichever. Surely, this works attracts every passer-by. It reminds me of situation similar to being stuck somewhere. When we are faced with a challenge larger than us or larger than life that keeps us from moving on.

Back in school, our term then was “mental block” when we could not find the answer from the nook and cranny of our memory that no search engines could find the right answer to a question - a nut so hard to crack. We tried to look for an answer by scanning the ceiling and then found nothing.

It happened to me many times. That’s the moment that we make decision that at times against our will. I never dreamed of becoming a cartoonist, for instance. But when I saw my face on the mirror, I said go to being a cartoonist. My childhood friend also was stuck when he wanted to draw a happy man ended drawing a sad man. Then I told him to draw the reverse depending on the mood he wanted to come up. But of course we cannot allow ourselves to be defeated – we have to move on. We cannot be stuck forever. It would be a pity if we allow it.

I forget who told me but there are only two decisions that are always available to us every time we are in a crossroad – it could be either down or up. That is, when we decide what to do we need to evaluate whether that decision is going down or up. I know this is difficult to judge but this is the most challenging especially when we decide on a good path that is seemingly against our will. Deciding to take the good path is a good decision. Taking a path towards the down direction is a simple suicide whether the results are coming so abrupt or not. As the saying goes, foolishness will go home to your body in the long run. Hmm, I hope I have done justice to the man stuck on the wall. Meanwhile, I’m stuck on my chair blogging. Hehehe.

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